Free £5 installing the WeSwap App
|Having recently been introduced to the Monese App I have since found myself on a treasure hunt finding subsequent fintech apps that give away free cash for new signups! The good news is that I have not fallen short in my quest! You can earn some free money from the WeSwap App by following the instructions below.
What is the WeSwap App?
Founded in the 2011 and eventually launced in 2015, WeSwap is a fintech app that lets wordwide travellers spend, store, swap, and manage their currency in a completely new way. With no unfair costs or hidden fees, they suggest that they leave you with more money to spend on the important stuff. Being able to spend anywhere is great! Your clever WeSwap card lets you store up to 18 currencies that you can swap between to grab even better rates.
How can you get £5 for free from the WeSwap App?
Providing you are not already an existing WeSwap customer you can follow the steps below to find a free £5 winging it’s way to you, completely free, along with a WeSwap MasterCard to help you spend your money around the world – or in the UK.
- Download WeSwap from your respective app store or click here
- Follow the signup process and use this promotional code when prompted – lan9273 (you don’t get the £5 if you don’t use this code)
- Follow through the signup procedure
- Wait for your WeSwap MasterCard card to arrive in the post
- Verify your account
- Claim your £5 reward
- Spend your £5 at most places where MasterCard is accepted.
You can also earn rewards yourself by inviting your friends to use the WeSwap App.
Got your Free £5 from the WeSwap App and want more?
I’ve made a collection of other apps that offer similar signup rewards. See how I made £20 installing just four different apps on my smartphone!
*WeSwap has not paid me to promote this. Signing up with the above promotional link/code does mean that I get a referral reward.